
I like taking photos. But a couple weeks ago I did an audit and realized that I have not been taking any pictures. Thus was born my idea (not really my idea, I stole it from someone on facebook): I will take a picture every day I am age 25.

Each picture will have a caption that will make reference to a joke, pun, or useless piece of trivia. Try to figure out the connection before clicking the link!

I hope you enjoy this. If you don't, you should just stop reading it--there's no way I will know!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Red Ball Gives you Swings

Went out golfing for the first time this year! Shout out to James, Nate, and Ty for coming with! This shot here is the only picture I took and as you can see, I got a nice one of Ty's (red) ball coming right off the tee! If I was on my game, I would have said the title of this post right after Ty hit this beauty of a shot: Red Ball Gives you Swings!

1 comment:

  1. at least Ty's ball went forward... he sometimes has a tendency to hit it backwards...
