
I like taking photos. But a couple weeks ago I did an audit and realized that I have not been taking any pictures. Thus was born my idea (not really my idea, I stole it from someone on facebook): I will take a picture every day I am age 25.

Each picture will have a caption that will make reference to a joke, pun, or useless piece of trivia. Try to figure out the connection before clicking the link!

I hope you enjoy this. If you don't, you should just stop reading it--there's no way I will know!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The best cookie I've ever had

I know it looks like I'm putting words in Justine's mouth, but she really did say that! In fact, these cookies will even be featured on Hanna Coleman's food blog.


  1. My food blog is ready....


  2. Love it! I'll be checking regularly!
