
I like taking photos. But a couple weeks ago I did an audit and realized that I have not been taking any pictures. Thus was born my idea (not really my idea, I stole it from someone on facebook): I will take a picture every day I am age 25.

Each picture will have a caption that will make reference to a joke, pun, or useless piece of trivia. Try to figure out the connection before clicking the link!

I hope you enjoy this. If you don't, you should just stop reading it--there's no way I will know!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Mock Wedding

It was very nice of Billy and Justine to perform a mock wedding since I could knot be at the real thing.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, aren't the bride and groom on the wrong sides? Oops. Nice work Emily Ralph on making it into the blog again!
